The most common causes for your period to be late are: stress, pregnancy, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), peri-menopause, menopause, recently stopping hormonal birth control and thyroid conditions.
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In This Article

Why is my period late?
Your period is late.
You might not think much of it for the first day or two, but as the days, weeks (or months!) roll by, the anxiety starts to creep in.
You run to the nearest pharmacy and take daily pregnancy tests, convinced that this month you must actually be pregnant.
Only to return negative after negative result, but STILL no period.
What the heck is going on?

Reasons why your period might be late or missing
- You are currently pregnant - this is always worth checking, especially if you have a regular cycle which is suddenly late. Pregnancy tests generally only show positive results from around 12-14 days after ovulation, so it may be worth re-testing in a few days if you initially get a negative result
- You are breastfeeding - once cycles return in the postpartum period, it’s common for there to be fluctuations in cycle lengths as your body returns to regular ovulation
- You have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) - irregular and late periods are a common feature of this condition. (NOTE! This doesn’t have to be this way - check out my ridiculously extensive post on addressing PCOS naturally to restore healthy, regular periods here)
- You are entering peri-menopause or menopause - changes to the regularity of your menstrual cycles are common in the transition to menopause which usually occurs around ages 45-60
- You recently stopped taking hormonal birth control - some women find that it takes several months for their natural hormone levels to return to baseline after coming off a hormonal contraceptive that suppresses ovulation (like the oral contraceptive pill, implants like Implanon, and injectables like Depo Provera). If you had regular cycles before going on hormonal contraception, your cycles will likely return to their regular pattern within 3-12 months. If this is not the case, you may have an underlying hormonal imbalance - check out what to do about that in my blog post here
- You have a thyroid condition - thyroid imbalances, particularly low thyroid conditions like Hashimotos can impair or delay regular ovulation. If you know or suspect you are suffering from a thyroid condition, visit your doctor for further evaluation and advice

How does stress make your period late?
Ongoing, chronic stress (like that low-grade stress caused by deadlines at work) can cause a ripple effect to the delicate balance of your reproductive hormones which are responsible for keeping your cycles regular and symptom-free.
Stress can lead to changes in the length of your period, as well as a whole host of other hormonal symptoms like PMS, painful periods, acne breakouts and fatigue.
Delayed or missing periods aren’t truly related to your period arriving late, but rather late ovulation.
Heightened stress causes the body to delay ovulating until a safer time arrives.
Your body has the ability to shut down or delay ovulation until a time that it feels your environment is safe again.
This might be a few days or weeks, or it may be several months or years depending on the nature of your stress.

While we’re on the topic of “stress” & late periods…
It’s easy to think of psychological stressors in our lives like deadlines, difficult relationships, arguments and caring for small children.
However, there are many other forms of stress which can wreak havoc on our cycle, even without you feeling overly “stressed”.
The most common forms of non-psychological stress which cause delayed or missing periods are:

1. Under Eating Can Cause Late Periods Due To Stress
We are inundated by advice from every social media channel convincing us that low carb/keto/ intermittent fasting/bulletproof coffee/veganism is the answer to our weight goals. The truth is, your body needs enough calories, and enough of all of the major macronutrients (carbohydrates, fat and protein) to feel safe and ovulate regularly.
When we begin to restrict calories overall, or a particular food group (commonly carbohydrates or fat), our body perceives this is a “stress”.
In other words, food shortage, whether forced or intentional, is a sign that there isn’t enough to go around.
This is one of the major reasons your body will shut down or delay ovulation as food shortage means it’s not a good time to get pregnant and grow a baby.
Get really honest with yourself about whether or not you are eating enough food, and enough of each of the macronutrients, to support your body in all that you ask it to do every day.
2. Over-exercising can increase stress levels and cause missed periods
When the physical load required for your body is too intense (or perhaps you haven’t increased your calorie intake to match new exercise levels), your body may respond by shutting down ovulation until a safer time.
If you relate to this scenario, consider swapping some of your regular exercise routine for something more restorative like yoga, slow walks or pilates.
Undereating and over-exercising are two key underlying causes of the condition hypothalamic amenorrhea (where ovulation stops due to a miscommunication from the brain).
3. Nutrient deficiencies or chronic disease
Being malnourished or suffering from an unmanaged condition like an autoimmune disease (particularly Hashimoto's thyroiditis) are common reasons for irregular cycles or missing periods.
If your period has been missing or irregular for some time, it is always a good idea to visit your primary healthcare provider for a full checkup including lab work. Some blood tests to discuss with your doctor include:
- Iron studies
- Thyroid panel
- Prolactin
- Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone)

Top Tips To Avoid Stress-Delayed Periods
1. Manage Everyday Stress
It’s not as simple as quitting your job, saying no to family responsibilities and spending your days relaxing (although sometimes that would be nice!).
Instead, look at how you react to stressors that come up in your life.
The old saying “life is 10% what happens and 90% how you react” is a helpful one to remember here.
What self-care practices could you implement into your daily routine to help you improve your response to stress?
Some of my favourites include:
- Morning or evening guided meditation - there are so many free apps out there with a huge variety of meditations to choose from
- Try supplementing Ashwagandha - There is strong evidence to suggest that supplementing Ashwagandha can be a great option for reducing stress levels naturally. Make sure you choose a nice organic Ashwagandha like Nourished Calm + Destress.
- Relaxing bath or foot bath with magnesium salts (also known as epsom salts). These salts are rich in the essential mineral magnesium which helps our bodies combat stress as well as helps our muscles to soften (tight neck after a stressful day at work, anyone?)
- Yoga, stretching or breathing exercises - these all encourage long, slow breaths which helps your body switch out of ‘fight and flight’ response (where stress hormone levels are at a high) to the ‘rest and digest’ response (where your body can prioritise digesting food and replenishing)
- Switching off screens an hour before bed - phone included! Try reading a book under soft lighting, or lighting some candles and doing a guided meditation to help your body wind down
2. Learn To Say "No" To Reduce Stress
As a rule, you want to walk away from gatherings and catch ups feeling energised rather than drained.
If certain relationships are not serving you, consider if these need to remain in your life.
Surround yourself with people who light you up and fill your cup.
3. Ask for help
4. Address Your Sleep Hygiene
These all fuel a worsened stress response and late periods.
If you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep, try the 60 minutes of no-screen-time discussed above and consider a guided meditation right before sleep.
First thing in the morning, open your curtains and allow your eyes to receive natural light (but don’t stare directly into the sun!).
5. Try Supplementing Ashwagandha
Studies (see list of references) indicate that supplementing Ashwagandha can have strong benefits in managing anxiety and stress levels.

Wrapping Up On Irregular Cycles & Late Periods
She has an important message she is trying to communicate about how you are taking care of her.
Take a step back and ask yourself where you can support your body and cycle.
Now it’s your turn - have you dealt with missing or late periods before?
Sending happy, regular periods your way,

TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) Common Late Period FAQs
What causes delayed periods?
How late is normal for my period?
The amount of time your period can be late varies depending on your normal cycle length.
If you cycles are usually regular, a delay of more than a few days may signal something is out of balance, whereas if you commonly experience irregular cycles (such as in PCOS) it may be normal for your periods to arrive late.
Can you miss a period and not be pregnant?
While pregnancy is the most common cause for missed periods, there are many other reasons your period may not be on time this month.
One big contributor is stress as this can both delay and halt ovulation, which in turn makes your period late or disappear.
Can stress delay your period?
Ongoing, chronic stress (like that low-grade stress caused by deadlines at work) can cause a ripple effect to the delicate balance of your reproductive hormones which are responsible for keeping your cycles regular and symptom-free.
Stress can lead to changes in the length of your period, as well as a whole host of other hormonal symptoms like PMS, painful periods, acne breakouts and fatigue.

About The Author - Tamika Woods